Quabbin Elopement - Mikayla + Tim

Quabbin Wedding

Mikayla and Tim met when they were students at Westfield State University and the connection was pretty strong right from the start. Their relationship started with a trip to the emergency room. Tim was injured playing hockey with friends and had to be rushed to the hospital. Mikayla, not really knowing him that well, still went with him and stayed by his side. She emailed her professors to say she’d have to make up her finals that were scheduled for the next day.

Quabbin Elopement

Fast forward a few years to when they began planning their small elopement in the fall at Quabbin Reservoir. They were married under a bright yellow tree in the middle of Hank’s Meadow.

Tim grew up close to nature. A dedicated Eagle scout, he used to spend many summer afternoons in this meadow picking wild blueberries with his Grandmother to make jam. On a visit to the meadow before their elopement, we walked the area to preview the location for their ceremony and out of nowhere, Tim spotted a porcupine way up in a birch tree. Mikayla joked that he has a sixth sense for this stuff and “only he would have spotted that!”

Mikayla is originally from eastern Massachusetts and admits that she is not the wild type but is certainly drawn to Tim’s adventurous spirit. He’s made Mikayla feel safe and try things that she normally would avoid — like getting on an airplane to fly to Disney World. It’s a good thing that it worked because Tim would propose to her here, with a Beauty and the Beast inspired engagement ring.


Tim and Mikayla have a beautiful connection and could not have asked for a better day to reflect that! It was an honor to work with these two beautiful people. Scroll for more of my favorites from this Fall elopement at Quabbin Reservoir.

quabbin reservoir weddings
Quabbin Reservoir Wedding
Quabbin Elopement
Quabbin Reservoir Wedding
quabbin elopement
quabbin reservoir wedding
quabbin reservoir wedding
quabbin reservoir elopement
Quabbin Reservoir Wedding

Becca and Scott’s private wedding at their new home in Groton, Massachusetts.


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